West Nipissing Housing Strategy
In response to an evolving housing landscape and need to tackle challenges with affordability, choice, and stock, the Municipality of West Nipissing undertook the preparation of a Housing Strategy 2022 with the help of Re:Public Urbanism. The Strategy was the result of significant analysis, community engagement, and research undertaken to understand the key housing issues in West Nipissing and identify a path towards addressing them over the next ten years to 2032.
A 10-year growth projection exercise was carried out for West Nipissing as part of the Existing Conditions Report – intended to help the Municipality estimate housing need over the next ten years. For the exercise, three growth scenarios were presented: a low growth scenario (1%), a moderate growth scenario (3%), and a high growth scenario (5.5%). To establish a clear target for the Housing Strategy, it was determined that the moderate growth scenario would be used to inform housing need.
Informed by extensive background research, analysis, and community engagement, the following housing vision and objectives were developed to help West Nipissing tackle housing needs in the community over the next ten years.
“West Nipissing is a community where all residents have a place to call home that is suited to their needs, regardless of income, household size, age, or ability.”
For each objective, a summary was provided, followed by a table of specific actions recommended to be pursued by the Municipality. A description of each action and specific matters for consideration were included in each table.
The following table summarized the action plan outlined in the previous section, and included recommended implementation timelines for each, based on perceived scale and level of effort required.